
Package Manifest

The Move.toml is a manifest file that describes the package and its dependencies. It is written in TOML format and contains multiple sections, the most important of which are [package], [dependencies] and [addresses].

name = "my_project"
version = "0.0.1"

MoveStdlib = { git = "https://github.com/rooch-network/rooch.git", subdir = "frameworks/move-stdlib", rev = "main" }
MoveosStdlib = { git = "https://github.com/rooch-network/rooch.git", subdir = "frameworks/moveos-stdlib", rev = "main" }
RoochFramework = { git = "https://github.com/rooch-network/rooch.git", subdir = "frameworks/rooch-framework", rev = "main" }

my_project = "0xff96b781b4a6198bf78008ea96388fb8a76eefdd58f82731d851c4ae236ca18f"
std = "0x1"
moveos_std = "0x2"
rooch_framework = "0x3"



The [package] section is used to describe the package. None of the fields in this section are published on chain, but they are used in tooling and release management; they also specify the Move edition for the compiler.

  • name - the name of the package when it is imported;
  • version - the version of the package, can be used in release management;


The [dependencies] section is used to specify the dependencies of the project. Each dependency is specified as a key-value pair, where the key is the name of the dependency, and the value is the dependency specification. The dependency specification can be a git repository URL or a path to the local directory.

# git repository
MoveStdlib = { git = "https://github.com/rooch-network/rooch.git", subdir = "frameworks/move-stdlib", rev = "main" }
MoveosStdlib = { git = "https://github.com/rooch-network/rooch.git", subdir = "frameworks/moveos-stdlib", rev = "main" }
RoochFramework = { git = "https://github.com/rooch-network/rooch.git", subdir = "frameworks/rooch-framework", rev = "main" }

# local directory
MoveStdlib = { local = "../../frameworks/move-stdlib" }
MoveosStdlib = { local = "../../frameworks/moveos-stdlib" }
RoochFramework = { local = "../../frameworks/rooch-framework" }


It is possible to add [dev-dependencies] section to the manifest. It is used to override dependencies in the dev and test modes. For example, if you want to use a different version of the package in the dev mode, you can add a custom dependency specification to the [dev-dependencies] section.


The [addresses] section is used to add aliases for the addresses. Any address can be specified in this section, and then used in the code as an alias. For example, if you add alice = "0xA11CE" to this section, you can use alice as 0xA11CE in the code.


The [dev-addresses] section is the same as [addresses], but only works for the test and dev modes. Important to note that it is impossible to introduce new aliases in this section, only override the existing ones. So in the example above, if you add alice = "0xB0B" to this section, the alice address will be 0xB0B in the test and dev modes, and 0xA11CE in the regular build.

Further Reading