

函数是 Move 程序的构建块。它们从用户事务和其他函数中调用,并将可执行代码分组为可重用单元。函数可以接受参数并返回一个值。它们是在模块级别使用 fun 关键字声明的。就像任何其他模块成员一样,默认情况下它们是私有的,只能从模块内部访问。

Functions are the building blocks of Move programs. They are called from user transactions and from other functions and group executable code into reusable units. Functions can take arguments and return a value. They are declared with the fun keyword at the module level. Just like any other module member, by default they're private and can only be accessed from within the module.

module book::math {
/// Function takes two arguments of type `u64` and returns their sum.
/// The `public` visibility modifier makes the function accessible from
/// outside the module.
public fun add(a: u64, b: u64): u64 {
a + b

fun test_add() {
let sum = add(1, 2);
assert!(sum == 3, 0);

在此示例中,我们定义了一个函数 add,它接受两个 u64 类型的参数并返回它们的和。该函数是从 test_add 函数调用的,该函数是位于同一模块中的测试函数。在测试中,我们将 add 函数的结果与预期值进行比较,如果结果不同则中止执行。

In this example, we define a function add that takes two arguments of type u64 and returns their sum. The function is called from the test_add function, which is a test function located in the same module. In the test we compare the result of the add function with the expected value and abort the execution if the result is different.

Function declaration

Move 中的函数调用有一个约定,即使用 Snake_case 命名约定。这意味着函数名称应全部小写,单词之间用下划线分隔。例如,do_something、add、get_balance、is_authorized 等。

There's a convention to call functions in Move with the snake_case naming convention. This means that the function name should be all lowercase with words separated by underscores. For example, do_something, add, get_balance, is_authorized, and so on.

函数使用 fun 关键字声明,后跟函数名称(有效的 Move 标识符)、括号中的参数列表以及返回类型。函数体是包含一系列语句和表达式的代码块。函数体中的最后一个表达式是函数的返回值。

A function is declared with the fun keyword followed by the function name (a valid Move identifier), a list of arguments in parentheses, and a return type. The function body is a block of code that contains a sequence of statements and expressions. The last expression in the function body is the return value of the function.

fun return_nothing() {
// empty expression, function returns `()`

Accessing functions

就像任何其他模块成员一样,可以通过路径导入和访问函数。路径由模块路径和函数名组成,以 :: 分隔。例如,如果 book 包中的 math 模块中有一个名为 add 的函数,则该函数的路径将为 book::math::add,或者,如果导入该模块,则为 math::add。

Just like any other module member, functions can be imported and accessed via a path. The path consists of the module path and the function name separated by ::. For example, if you have a function called add in the math module in the book package, the path to it will be book::math::add, or, if the module is imported, math::add.

module book::use_math {
use book::math;

fun call_add() {
// function is called via the path
let sum = math::add(1, 2);

Multiple return values


Move functions can return multiple values, which is useful when you need to return more than one value from a function. The return type of the function is a tuple of types. The return value is a tuple of expressions.

fun get_name_and_age(): (vector<u8>, u8) {
(b"John", 25)

带有元组返回的函数调用的结果必须通过 let (tuple) 语法解包到变量中:

Result of a function call with tuple return has to be unpacked into variables via let (tuple) syntax:

// Tuple must be destructured to access its elements.
// Name and age are declared as immutable variables.
let (name, age) = get_name_and_age();
assert!(name == b"John", 0);
assert!(age == 25, 0);

如果任何声明的值需要声明为可变的,则将 mut 关键字放在变量名称之前:

If any of the declared values need to be declared as mutable, the mut keyword is placed before the variable name:

// declare name as mutable, age as immutable
let (mut name, age) = get_name_and_age();

如果某些参数未使用,可以使用 _ 符号将其忽略:

If some of the arguments are not used, they can be ignored with the _ symbol:

// ignore the name, only use the age
let (_, age) = get_name_and_age();