Generics are a way to define a type or function that can work with any type. This is useful when you want to write a function which can be used with different types, or when you want to define a type that can hold any other type. Generics are the foundation of many advanced features in Move, such as collections, abstract implementations, and more.
In the Standard Library
In this chapter we already mentioned the vector type, which is a generic type that can hold any other type. Another example of a generic type in the standard library is the Option type, which is used to represent a value that may or may not be present.
Generic Syntax
To define a generic type or function, a type signature needs to have a list of generic parameters
enclosed in angle brackets (<
and >
). The generic parameters are separated by commas.
/// Container for any type `T`.
public struct Container<T> has drop {
value: T,
/// Function that creates a new `Container` with a generic value `T`.
public fun new<T>(value: T): Container<T> {
Container { value }