
Abilities: Drop

删除功能 - 其中最简单的 - 允许忽略或丢弃结构的实例。在许多编程语言中,这种行为被视为默认行为。然而,在Move中,不具备drop能力的结构体是不允许被忽略的。这是 Move 语言的一项安全功能,可确保所有资产得到正确处理。尝试忽略没有删除功能的结构将导致编译错误。

The drop ability - the simplest of them - allows the instance of a struct to be ignored or discarded. In many programming languages this behavior is considered default. However, in Move, a struct without the drop ability is not allowed to be ignored. This is a safety feature of the Move language, which ensures that all assets are properly handled. An attempt to ignore a struct without the drop ability will result in a compilation error.

{{#include ../../../packages/samples/sources/move-basics/drop-ability.move:main}}



The drop ability is often used on custom collection types to eliminate the need for special handling of the collection when it is no longer needed. For example, a vector type has the drop ability, which allows the vector to be ignored when it is no longer needed. However, the biggest feature of Move's type system is the ability to not have drop. This ensures that the assets are properly handled and not ignored.

A struct with a single drop ability is called a Witness. We explain the concept of a Witness in the Witness and Abstract Implementation section.

Types with the drop Ability

Move 中的所有原生类型都具有放置能力。这包括:

All native types in Move have the drop ability. This includes:


All of the types defined in the standard library have the drop ability as well. This includes:

Further reading